Thursday, April 24, 2008

4/22/08 Midwest Tour Day 6

Day 6

8:30 am: After a night of restless sleep, due to the allergic reactions of a cat in the house, The Wee Trio started their day with a couple cups of coffee and a eight hour recording session. Needless to say the 2am Jack in Box dinner mixed with the rare moments of James drinking coffee did not sit right with his stomach. Quote of the day “If you don’t drink coffee you shouldn’t drink coffee.” – Jared S. Unfortunately that bit of weesdom came too little too late.

Later pm: 4 songs were laid down at the session. Many tournaments of Extreme Table Tennis (aka Ping Pong) took up much of our studio time, as did 10 pushups before each take at Peter Stevens Studio. (Thank you so much for your engineering Peter-Stevens-Miller-Karl-Allen-Hampton-Hawes)

5:30 pm: Downtown St. Louis – BBQ at the Loomis Household

7:30 pm – Big Gig at the C Sci Church. No gig would be complete without a series of unfortunate events. We can start by forgetting the drums at the recording studio. Thanks to Joomis for bringing us his drums at the last minute. First song, Jared chokes the ride cymbal slicing his finger open, blood pours out and the bleeding never stops. Even though stitches were required Jared plays through it like the Starship Trooper he is.

9pm – Many Cd’s are sold, many souls were filled, and enough cookies were baked to feed Steve Turre.

10pm – After Party at K-Mack’s house featuring special guest appearances by the Unconquerable Joomis and Hairy Carey. An array a Pale Ale’s, Rogues, and Chinese Herbal Beer helped liven up a hard hittin hang. As we leave, the police don’t scare James to restrain his New Orleans Open Container Law Conditioning. Fortunately, their doughnuts blind them from upholding the great laws of St. Louis.

12am – Jared takes a monster Dump that has a similar shape to the head of Jay Leno.

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